It's Bloody Cold
It's Bloody Cold - British Parady of James Blunt - You're Beautiful
I found this a few months ago...Alanna just mentioned watching the You're Beautiful music video, so I stuck this up for her. :-)
Ben Gibbard's Postal Service Prepping Next Delivery: Second LP
First off, my main reason for trying out Vista is simply to get Media Center for free, run it in the bedroom and to modded Xbox's (XBMC). When I move I'll be w/o cable TV and will loose my Comcast DVR. So, as a temperory band-aid until I get buy my $40 copy of Vista when it launches from my M$ employed cousin, I thought "why not take this oppertunity to total my computer with a test install of Vista!"
These are awesome! And once you start watching, you'll wanna watch them all! Clear your schedule lol...
Ok, I'm ditchin' the 2 bedroom. It was slightly shady anyway and this kid I was dealing with on the apt wasn't, well, just a kid. Showing it for his parents who were too lazy to do it themselves.
Like I really need to post this, who hasn't allready heard the big news:
Just a few more steps and I'll have my 2 bed Kirkland apartment! Cragslist has been so silent for so long on Kirkland apartments (<$900 that is) that for a moment there, I thought I'd be stuck having to move into Redmond. Then this post popped up on my RSS feeder.
EDIT: 06-15-06 -1920PST - Added "jC!'s BLUE Box" running the MC360 skin on XBMC Screenshots
Death Cab for Cutie - Blacking Out The Friction (Live)
Pouring rain as I drove to work this morning. Do you ever find yourself driving along in the blinding rain, the kind of rain when your control over the car is in question and from time to time the steering wheel is on the brink of it's own control, and the rain stops and instead of having that feeling of relief, you feel disappointment? Do you begin to miss the dangerous weather condition? I guess it's human nature to enjoy danger. Maybe we just want to have a tale to tell, how we defeated all odds as we sped down I-5, dodging cars, passing the slow drivers, and literally leaving them in your wake, all the while not being able to see more then 10 feet down the road. And only on 5 hours of sleep. Maybe that loss of that danger depletes the chance of challenge and chance of a good bragging story.
Maybe you noticed, if you visted my this blog on Thursday night, things looks a bit, well, plain. :-P
Yahoo! today launched Yahoo! Video uploading to combat YouTube. Hopefully this is just the first step. Currently, it's not interrogated into Flickr :-( and more importantly, does not allow the ability to post videos as private (friends/family).